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Sharon Alback

Updated: Jun 28

Sharon Alback is a quietly spoken, modest individual. Other than those involved with her lifelong passion for Dance, few would know of her great achievements in Queensland and Australia, as a creative dance spirit.

She has danced and organised dance in Australia for over 70 years and was the first dance teacher in Queensland to gain a full teaching diploma with the Commonwealth Society of Teachers of Dancing. She is only one of ten Australian dance teachers to hold a life membership in Comdance.

For ten years she convened the dance section of the Redcliffe Eisteddfod, until it closed.

Sharon and her daughter Diahann Maude, apart from currently running the Sharon Alback Dance Centre, have in the past organised two International Summer Schools for Comdance, which brought together thousands of dancers from over Australia and Asia.

The first was at Melbourne's La Trobe University and the second was on the Gold Coast.

They have now successfully completed their third national dance spectacular, involving over 2000 dancers from all over Australia , the 'Born to Perform Festival' which was held at the Redcliffe Entertainment Centre from 21st to 28th July 2024. This major national activity has put Redcliffe squarely on the international artistic scene.

She is also an active Board member of the Redcliffe and District Arts and Crafts Advisory Board, helping to promote and pressure the creative dance component of Redcliffe's rich cultural heritage.

The Sharon Alback Dance Centre (SADC) official website is at the following link:

Sharon Alback is listed on the wall of the Redcliffe Wall of Fame:


A collection of portrait and information honouring the achievements of individuals who have influenced and shaped Redcliffe. The collection is in the Jetty Arcade at 139-141 Redcliffe Parade.

For a complete list of people who appear on the wall click on the following blog post:


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