A new school for Scarborough was proposed in 1919 and suggested locations were included on an early drawing and the current location was suggested by a Council Clerk in 1919:

A list of parents and children residing near the propsed school was drawn up in 1924 and it included the following family names: Kirkwood, Stevenson, Smith, Cutts, McKillop, Howie, Wagner, Handy, Elson, Russell, McGahey, Boardman, Davis, Campbell, Jocumsen, Graves, Maxwell, Hawthorne, Herbert, Tilley, Hubner, Russell, Phillips, Herschel, Pikett, Rogers.

A list of children under 5 years included the names Reg Farrington, May Thomas, James McGahey, Leslie Boardman, Norman Walker, Cynthia Higham, Harold Campbell. Doreen Dillaway, Kenneth Tilley and Ray John Smith.

Scarborough State School was opened on March 9th 1925
Photo from the Moreton Bay Library Collection: RMPC-101\101514 Restored by Duane Hart Photo Restoration Studio Redcliffe.

The Brisbane Courier Friday 13 Mar 1925 Page 9 SCARBOROUGH.
The new State School was officially opened on Monday afternoon by Mr. R. J. Warren, M.L.A., the member for Murrumba. There was a representative gathering of residents of the district. Mr. Stevenson, in introducing Mr. Warren, traced, in no brief way, the efforts of the committee to get the school established. Mr. Warren said that the Under Secretary (Mr. M'Kenna) had personally visited the district, so that he might satisfy himself of the necessity for the school, and he had found that the committee was justified in its demands that the school should be built. They now had one constructed on modern lines. From Mr. Stewart's high records at Helidon and elsewhere the parents could be sure their children would obtain good training at the Scarborough State School. Ald. J. B. Dunn (Mayor of Redcliffe) thanked Mr. Warren for attending, stating he was greatly pleased to see the school an established fact. It gave him great pleasure to donate a gold medal to the boy or girl attending the school who wrote the best history of Redcliffe for the first hundred years, to be judged by Mr. Cumbrae Stewart. He also donated a gold medal for the best essay by a boy or girl attending the school on the resources of the district, to be judged by the head teacher, and on behalf of the Mayoress (Mrs. Dunn) he announced that she would donate a gold medal to the boy or girl showing the most marked educational advancement at the end of the first 12 months and also a gold medal to the boy or girl showing the best attendance during the first 12 months, no boy or girl to be allowed to win more than one of these medals. Mr. C. G. Graves (secretary of the Humpybong State School Committee) extended a hearty welcome to Mr. Stewart, and hoped that the establishment of the Scarborough school would create healthy rivalry in all branches of sport between the two schools. Mr. Adams (Town Clerk) also spoke, as did Ald. Hardiman (Woody Point). Afternoon tea was served by a number of ladies and the members of the committee. Redcliffe Railway.—Mr. Warren, M.L.A., when opening the new State School at Scarborough on Monday, made some pertinent remarks in regard to the Redcliffe railway. The Redcliffe people, he said, had only themselves to blame for not having the railway in the past, as they were divided, one party wanting it to come one way, and one another. They should be united, and leave it to experts to say which way it should come, and until they were content to do that they would not get the railway. They had asked the Minister to receive a deputation some time ago, but he refused, because the Public Works Commission was unable to complete its report.

To download a pdf file of the 1925-1934 Scarborough State School register click on the following link:

1947 Teachers at Scarborough State School. Back row: Messrs. White, Bowles and McMillan. Front row: T. Sherman, Miss Walker, Mr H. Peters, Miss Hogan and A. Cook.
Photo from the Moreton Bay Library Collection: RLPC-000\000581

Photo from the Moreton Bay Library Collection: RMPC-101\101617

c.1940 Scarborough State School building on Eversleigh Road.

1950 Scarborough State School buildings taken from Eversleigh Road.

A page from the book The Pictorial History Of Redcliffe 1950s1980s.
Click on the following link to view and purchase: https://www.redcliffebook.com/product-page/the-pictorial-history-of-redcliffe-1950-s-1980-s

A page from the book The Pictorial History Of Redcliffe 1950s1980s.
Click on the following link to view and purchase: https://www.redcliffebook.com/product-page/the-pictorial-history-of-redcliffe-1950-s-1980-s

Scarborough State School c.1970. From the Moreton Bay Library Collection: RLPC-000\000614

1993 Scarborough State School Pre-School Centre at Scarborough on the southeast corner of Eversleigh Road and Scarborough Road.
Photo by Ian Harding from the Moreton Bay Library Collection: RLPC-001\001479
A 102 page spiral bound book featuring the history of the Scarborough State School opened in 1925, and a selection of school class photos until 1985.
The book contains historical school and class photos, school rolls, and newspaper articles on the school along with information on the Gibb Family boys ( Bee Gees) who attended the school for the full term of 1959.
The book can be purchased at the following LINK Also available as a downloadable pdf ebook
Scarborough State School official website is at: https://scarboroughss.eq.edu.au/
Scarborough State School facebook page at the following LINK
Scarborough State School Alumni facebook page is at the following LINK
i attended this school from 1951 to 1958 minus 1952 to 1954 when i was away in boarding school. Love my teachers, loved the school, made great friends, two of which is am still in contact with now. My favourite teacher was Mr Colin Ackred who taught me in year 7 and 8. He was a great teacher.
i attended this great school from 1956
many fond memories the head master was mt stevenson i think
col ekhard was the music teacher
paul drummond melb victoria 0409 422 003
I attended Scarborough State School from 1951 to 1958 excluding years 3 and 4 when i was at boarding school in Charters Towers, i remember all of my teachers, especially Mick Carmody and Colin Archred, loved my time at Scarborough State School
Great photos I attended Scarborough State from 1951 to 1958 grade 1 to grade 8 teachers I remember were Miss Wearing, Miss Walker, Mr Carmody, Mr Bruce and Col Arckred, Principals I remember were Mr Nicholson.