We have a large selection of Redcliffe historical books and downloadable ebooks in our collection including:

1904 Tom Petrie's Reminiscences Of Early Queensland:
In 1904, Constance Campbell Petrie wrote a book called “Tom Petrie's Reminiscences Of Early Queensland”. This book also provides a brief sketch of the early days of the colony of Queensland from 1837, through the eyes of her father Tom Petrie. He was considered an authority on First Nations people and in this book there is a wide range of interesting and important information including some translated dialect and descriptions of ceremonies and customs.
A free downloadable pdf file is available to download and view at the following link:
by John Uniacke is available as a 16 page downloadable pdf file at:
A rare 1925 published 45 page book featuring historical aerials and photos of Redcliffe, Scarborough and Woody Point.
$9.95. for a downloadable pdf book at the following LINK
A remastered and republished 1932 Redcliffe Tourist Guide from Queensland Australia. It was originally produced in 1932 and this book has been remastered from the only 2 copies known to be still in existence today, and first reprinted 100 copies in 2016.
$9.95. for a downloadable pdf book at the following LINK
70 page downloadable pdf book, detailing biographies of the earliest Picture Pavilions and shows in Humpybong (Redcliffe) With original movie posters and movie details from advertisements and historical newspaper articles, including :
Lorneleigh Pictures Woody Point 1915 -1931
Redcliffe Picture Palace 1918 - 1928
Woody Point Memorial School of Arts Pictures 1928 -1937
Scarborough Picture Pavilion 1928 - 1935
Pier Picture Theatre Redcliffe 1928 - 1969
Margate Renown Theatre 1940 - 1962
The Bay Theatre Scarborough 1954 - 1976
Redcliffe Drive-In Theatre, Kippa Ring 1965 - 86
$12.50. for a downloadable pdf book at the following LINK
104 pages of local Redcliffe history celebrating 160 years including historical information and photos. First published in 1959.
$9.95 for a downloadable pdf book at the following LINK
100 pages of local Redcliffe history celebrating 150 years including historical advertisements and photos. First published in 1949 and available as a downloadable pdf file.
$9.95. for a downloadable pdf book at the following LINK
A limited print run hardcopy of this information booklet was printed in 2024 and was only available in select stores close to the Bee Gees Way in Redcliffe, including Red Poppy at 85 Redcliffe Parade and the Seaside Artists Gallery (where the Gibb boys played in March 1959) on the second floor of the Cominos building, 133 Redcliffe Parade.
A 1964 "Kaloorie" Redcliffe High School Magazine downloadable pdf file.
65 pages.
$9.95. for a downloadable pdf book at the following LINK
Indexed 164 page hardcover. This book, first published in 2017, includes more than 650 illustrations, of Woody Point, Margate, Clontarf, Scarborough and Redcliffe in Queensland Australia. From beautifully detailed archived paintings to artfully crafted historical maps and photos, this rich collection of images are now available in one book for future generations to reference the history of our fabulous Redcliffe. Reprinted in May 2022 with an additional 10 pages, maps and photos, and now indexed. $59.95. at the following LINK
195 page hardcover, featuring over 1000 images, aerials, photos, advertisements and land sale maps of Redcliffe, Scarborough, Woody Point, Clontarf, Margate, Rothwell, Kippa Ring, Newport, Deception Bay, Mango Hill and North Lakes.
$59.95. at the following LINK
54 spiral bound book featuring The History of the first school opened in 1876, the subsequent schools opened in 1877 and 1888 and the history of the current Humpybong School opened in 1909 with class and school photos until 1976.
The book contains historical school and class photos, school rolls, and newspaper articles on the opening of the new wing in 1927 and the reunion in 1928. It also contains a copy of the 1976 Centenary Celebration programme.
The book can be purchased at the following LINK
A downloadable pdf book is also available at the following LINK
A 102 page spiral bound book featuring the history of the Scarborough State School opened in 1925, with a selection of class and school photos until 1985.
The book contains historical school and class photos, school rolls, and newspaper articles on the school along with information on the Gibb Family boys ( Bee Gees) who attended the school for the full term of 1959.
The book can be purchased at the following LINK. Also available as a downloadable pdf ebook
A 1 hour 20 minute movie on Redcliffe History is now available to view at: https://youtu.be/kE2EBmSLZrc?feature=shared
Also available to purchase on USB at: https://www.redcliffebook.com/product-page/history-of-redcliffe-movie-usb