At the age of seven, Rothwell resident Annette Herbener started playing tennis. Social tennis became her passion and for the last 21 years she has conducted Friday morning social tennis sessions at the Redcliffe Tennis Centre as well as working in the canteen and serving on the tennis committee. She followed in the footsteps of her mother Daphne Boyes who ran the sessions from 1959 to 2000. This family tennis tradition commenced nearly 70 years ago. Before Mrs Boyes it was her sister (Mrs Herbener’s aunt) Shirley Langsdor who started the Friday socials in 1953 on a court at the old fire station in Oxley Ave.
Annette's husband Ed, a past president of the Redcliffe Tennis Centre, was a key figure in the upgrades which transformed it into today’s 12-court venue. He was also a linesman at the Australian Open for 18 years and on retiring from that role became a referee at tournaments in Queensland.
Her daughter Cheryl and son Bryan were champion tennis players at Redcliffe High School and Cheryl going on to be an acclaimed Tennis Official and also on the Redcliffe Hall Of Fame.
Moreton Daily's 2021 article on Annette is at:
Redcliffe Tennis Centre's official website and contact details at:
Annette Herbener is listed on the wall of the Redcliffe Wall of Fame:
A collection of portrait and information honouring the achievements of individuals who have influenced and shaped Redcliffe. The collection is in the Jetty Arcade at 139-141 Redcliffe Parade.
For a complete list of people who appear on the wall click on the following blog post: